

Across the fields of yesterday
He sometimes comes to me,
A little lad just back from play–
The lad I used to be.
And yet he smiles so wistfully
Once he has crept within,
I wonder if he hopes to see
The man I might have been.
By Thomas S. Jones, Jr.

A New Addition

Expectant cow
On my way home from work Friday I noticed this cow laying by herself near a creek. The reason I noticed this particular cow was because it was feeding time and all the rest of the herd was eating at the barn, a couple of hundred yards away. When I stopped to take  a picture she mooed and stood up. That is when I noticed her condition. After arriving home and eating dinner, my wife Candy and I took a short drive to check on the cow’s progress and saw this:
A newborn calf
Struggling to keep its balance the newborn stands his ground.
Proud Mama cow