Sunday Afternoon Blues

A female Bluebird with gathered nesting material waits for the all clear signal.

After looking both ways she heads for the nest…

…with the male Bluebird providing over-watch.

Graceful in flight, she nails the landing.

The male looks and listens for any sign of danger.

He is a formidable foe for just about anybody that chooses to interfere, dive-bombing and chasing away all comers. 

Guarding the nest, he is tempted by a bug close by on the ground, but he remains steadfast at his post. 

He decides to check out his mate’s work on the nest. 

But in no time flat, she is back with more…

…and more.

The opening to the nest box is a small target but as she lands, she digs into the wood with her sharp-toed claws.

She will repeat this dozens of times throughout the day until she is satisfied…
…or until the Catbird calls out “Break-time!”
My dog Betty, ever vigilant, hears the Catbird as well…
…and being proficient in trans-species communications,

takes the message to heart.
She quickly stands down to DEFCON-2…


Turtle guards are quickly posted to take up the slack.
They take their job very seriously.
Heroes in a half-shell…Turtle Power!

My Grandmother, Elizabeth Geary

My family and I went to Arlington National Cemetery today to bury my Grandmother, affectionately known as Betty, alongside my Grandfather, James Geary in the Gardens of Stone. She was a sweet, beautiful lady and quite the talker to anyone that would listen. She passed away peacefully at her home 11 years after her husband and rejoins him today in Arlington. My sister, Alia Geary Roberts sang “I’ll Be Seeing You” by Jo Stafford and my eyes welled up with tears of love and pride for both my grandparents. Someone at the service today remarked, “Behind every good man is a great woman.” That is an understatement. My Grandmother saw my Grandfather through WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam too. Her likeness adorned his B-17 bomber, her namesake “The Betty Boop, Pistol Packin’ Mama” and undoubtedly inspired him and countless others to win the war and return home to their loved ones. Her name will be carved onto the reverse of my Grandfather’s headstone, and once again they will be together, side by side, forever.
Elizabeth “Betty” Geary
Col. James R. Geary, Jr.USAF
“It’s a sweet ship, but the crew and I have decided to to stick it out with ‘Betty’. “- My Grandfather after being presented with a brand new B-17 bomber in England.
The Betty Boop, Pistol Packin’ Mama. A painting by William Phillips titled  “When Prayers are Answered” showing the crew returning from another dangerous daylight bombing run and being greeted by the beautiful sight of the white cliffs of Dover.

Sunday’s Backyard Pictures

My wife’s garden nemesis.
A Young Buck
My neighbor’s garden nemesis.
A female Ruby Throated Hummingbird stops by for a quick drink.
Weighs in about the same as a dime.
Being called home for dinner perhaps?
A huge fly lands on my kitchen window to escape the rain. It was over an inch long.
Betty hard at work taking care of those pesky branches.
But Betty still has time to stop and smell the roses.
Back to work.
The Deer have spotted Betty and I.
Betty finally spots the Deer. But it’s too late.
The Deer quickly make tracks for the woods.
Not one to give up easily, Betty makes plans for tomorrow’s deer hunt.