Friday – Bob’s Big Day Off

Took today off in honor of the nice weather, it got up to 80 degrees here with a nice breeze all day. Beautiful. Started my day with a cup of coffee outside on the back patio with my dog Betty while Candy cooked up some great French Toast and bacon. After a delicious breakfast I decided to sit out back and enjoy the sun.

                              My cat Madelaine enjoying the comforts of my bed on Friday morning.

                                                        The crocuses in full bloom today.

A Northern Cardinal posing on his good side.

Time to work. Last night a new diet soda arrived in the mail for me to try and report back on. I have to drink three of them and record my thoughts.I’ll suffer through 3 cans for $50 a can…

                                                          Betty helping with my taste test.

                                                        A baby squirrel relaxing nearby.

A Junco foraging among the pine cones.

                                                                         Mrs. Cardinal

                                                         Betty cooling off in the kitchen.

Now it’s time for baked potatoes, grilled zucchini and steak! My kind of day off. Special thanks to my wife Candy, my dog Betty, and the old kitty Madelaine for a wonderful day.