The 25th Day of August 2011

Sunrise on the farm
Rear Range Light Tower
Our newest tower. This is the rear range light tower at Tide Point. It is one of 2 towers that have navigational lights to guide ships into the harbor from the Key bridge. We tore down the old one here and erected this one making it taller and sturdier. The front range tower is located on Fort McHenry.
Ravens Stadium

Touching up the Ravens logo with paint.

Some of our workers getting ready to run cable near the stadium suites.

More artistic paint work.

The surprise in a bag of mulch

This small snake was an unwelcome surprise included in a bag of mulch. My son Mike used a small hole in the bag to open it up to pour on a flowerbed. As soon as he stuck his finger in there and tore the bag open, this snake slithered out with a frog in its mouth. By the time I gave him my camera, it had already swallowed the amphibian whole. The frog is that first bump in the snake’s body next to its head.

Shy from all the picture taking, the snake seeks shelter in a nearby boxwood.

Thursday June 30th’s Path

Frederick County,Maryland
On the road to work.

A fresh cut field
A roll in the hay.

Fort McHenry Front Range Tower
Fort McHenry Navigational Beacon needs some work.

Soon to be replaced
This green light will be replaced, new steel added and some new electrical wiring installed to better serve the ships entering Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
Lehigh Cement Baltimore Distribution Terminal
Across the harbor from Fort McHenry, Lehigh Cement loads a ship with grey cement headed for parts unknown.